Register your work
and win 1000 € in each year
You can also participate in the competition if you are a full-time student in the 1.- 6. year of an art department at a university.
You can submit one piece from the academic year you are currently enrolled in (semester or annual project), created using traditional visual techniques (painting, drawing, printmaking, collage, sculpture...).
Works may be registered until 22. 06. 2025.
Vote for the future star
in each year and win up to 3000 €
Anyone can participate in the voting for the future star in the public voting..
Voting provides an opportunity to contribute to the recognition of the best works in each year.
The opportunity to win up to 3000 € is a great motivation for more people to participate in the voting process.
You can vote after registration from 01. 07. 2025 until 31. 08. 2025.